Monday, October 29, 2012

Your Year In A Word

We celebrate Halloween this week.  When I was a kid it was all about the candy and costumes, which I loved, and still do.   As an adult I've learned a bit more about it's origins I think it's actually a really beautiful day.  It's become one of my favorite holidays.

Halloween marks the day the veil between our world and the spirit world is at it's thinnest.  It is also the 1/2 way point between the Fall equinox and the Winter solstice.  Halloween marks the day we think of the stories of those who have passed before us and find a foundation in their love and support to take us into the dark as we move toward the light of a new year.

As we move toward a new year we pick a new intention.  Within every word there is a mantra or a seed to a story.  It's called a Bija Mantra.  Bija means Seed, Mantra means to transcend. Perfect.

For a new year I wish for us all to create the story of our lives we most truly want. To be creative and to suprise ourselves by doing something new. To not waste time but still have fun and give ourselves space to explore. To find a core group of people to do this with who understand this process and are adventurous at heart. To plant these seeds of new creative beginnings. So back to the idea of choosing a word.  Every word is both a seed and a story. Every word contains it's raw power in it's individual letters and pronunciations and a description and understood explanation in it's meaning. So through this process of choosing a word a story starts to unfold. We give ourselves a focus for the year, a place to go when we start to lose sight of our focus and create a new pattern.

Every one of us has a story. All of us want to tell our stories. And all of our stories are worth being told.

I hope to See you Thursday @ YOGA Garden 630 - 800 to plant the seeds of a new story...

Love, L

Sunday, October 7, 2012

YOGA Gardens gardens

>>>>>YOGA Gardens gardens are safely tucked away inside the studio for the winter.  It's so nice to have some wild Summer color in the studio as the natural light gives way to Winter.