Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Friends from Friends

I am loving the vibe in the new studio. It's so comfortable. The light is amazing and it's so quiet and peaceful it really feels like a temple to me. And a train goes by every time we are in savasana. A quiet train just far enough away that it sounds rhythmic and grounding - perfect for savasana. Phil commented that he wants to get to class earlier so he can hang out in the space for a little while longer before we get down to business which is why I have one hammock on the way and will be ordering another shortly. So come hang out anytime. I'm going to post this blog and then head over there for a practice before I go meet Ave to finish up some email and website stuff we are working on.

And I have to say I'm so thankful to have the space but even more for the community that is building around it. If someone would have told me 10 years ago I would be doing this I would have laughed. I was so into trying to do everything myself. I was (and still am) goal oriented and all about the challenge which was great for a while but will only get you so far. And one of the most important things I've learned from my teaching over the last 8 years is that you can't. You absolutely cannot get there, where ever there is, alone. So here are some pics of the gifts I've been given for the studio. I think it's a sign of appreciation for all of us and the work we do that people are bringing in gifts to make the space more beautiful. Thanks for the Ganesh, Laxshmi, mini forest, the jade in it's sweet little green pot, Krishna, Bhudda and flowers in the pretty green vases. They were given to me but they are really for all of us.

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