Thursday, November 14, 2013


Us creative types and the importance of our non-linear ways.  We will not be productive if we don't get to play.  We need room to move.  We need a place to work where we can push back boundaries and remember there is always more.  Moving from A > B is not how we're going to get things done.

I just read a great article about that very subject.  The author Matthew Schuler talks about the importance of being fluid between what seem like opposing ideas.

Sound familiar?

It fits in perfectly with what we've been talking about in class: Karma & Lila, Work and Play and the need to remember to include both in our practice.  Link to the article below:

We'll talk more about it tonight at 630 //// All Levels Vinyasa > Vinyasa means flow or to be Fluid incase you didn't know that already.

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