Monday, February 18, 2013

+ A GARDEN is for the FUTURE +

If you don't plow the earth, it's going to get so hard nothing grows in it.  

You just plow the earth of yourself.  

You just get moving.  

And even don't ask exactly what's going to happen.  

You allow yourself to move around, and you will see the benefit.

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You just plow the earth of yourself is almost worthy of a mural all on it's own.  

Almost but we'd get a little lost and start filling blanks w jokes with out the rest of it.  Rumi had me at that line, it just fits so perfectly w our exploration of making our ideas physical, winter being the time of planting the seeds of those ideas in the earth of our bodies and such.  Obviously with out the ground of our bodies we have nothing to create a future from.  It seems so obvious yet we will spend our lives trying to remember that - our bodies are the grounds of our future.  We have to include our physical, earthy existence in our ideas and spend some time out of our heads - bring the lofty ideas of imagination - sky down to the earth you could say.  

Capacity vs Control.  It's easy to stay in the comfort of our heads, our imaginations.  It keeps us in control of what we are sure we can do with out trying and having to fail and repeat ourselves again and again and again.  But we get more capacity, create more room to grow by turning the soil over so to speak in an attempt to make something out of ourselves, our worlds.  Without space to move into nothing can grow.  And for that space we need to create more capacity.  Otherwise we become stagnant, stuck in our heads with good ideas but where nothing can really be a part of the world outside ourselves.

Om Namah Shivaya - just get moving, step into the cycle.  Plant the seed of your imagination in the earth of yourself and turn it over again and again and again until it has room to grow.

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